This process can be done by the admin or by a user starting at step 4. 

1- Login as admin

2- Goto "Setup" menu and click -> Manage:



3- You will see all the extensions, login as the extension you want to change clicking the icon:


Clicking the above icon which is inside the red rectangle will make you log as the extension 502. 

4- Once you are logged as the extension you will be able to change the call rules. In the "Features" menu click-> Call Rules:


5- Click "Create Call Rule Set":


6- Complete the fields "Rule set name"-> put the name of the rule, in the image below I put "HomeOffice" and choose from the combo upon which status you want this rule to be triggered, choose: "Available->Home office" as in the image below, then click "Save call rule set":



7- Click-> Back to Call Rules:



8- Edit the rule you have just created for adding the phone where you want to forward the extension, click the pencil icon:


9- Click-> Create Action:


10- Click-> Call Cascade:


11- Fill the form, change the "Type of call" to "All Calls".  Fill the number to where do you want to forward the calls and click"Save Action":



12- Click-> back to call rules.

13- At this point we are almost done, you will see that the rule we have just created is at the bottom of the list, you have to move it to the second position. for moving a rule you have to click on green arrow and drag the rule up. Once the rule is placed in the second position we are done. This is the green arrow you have to move up:


14- And this is the picture of the rule placed in the second position:


That's all the step to forwarding the calls from an extensions. Then each user have to login to their portal and set their status to "Home Office". Setting back the status of the extension to available will disable the forwarding.