As more and more companies face unsolicited calls or Robo-dial callers, call blocking can become a helpful tool. To effectively block a call though, we have to use the caller id number as the pattern. You can also use this technique if you want to block callers that are hiding their caller id, but that is generally not recommended. To set up a blocked caller, login to manage the Inbound permissions with the steps below.

1- Login into the PBX portal as an admin.

2- Go to [Call Routing] / [Dialing Permissions] / [Inbound] folder.

3- Click the [Add] button at the top right of the page:

4- Fill the form with the description, the callerid pattern and the action for this pattern.

The Caller ID Pattern is the incoming number you want to block. The format of the incoming number depends on the provider, so we put in the three possible formats For example for number 6465069265 we fill the field with: 6465069265,16465069265,+16465069265

The Action should be Deny, in the case of blocking a number.

4- Then click the save button and the changes will be applied immediately.